4/8-CGD Schulungsbahn

操作员 | Landesberufssschule Hallein, Komm. „Seilbahn“ |
位置 | Hallein, 奥地利 |
高差 | 0,1 m |
斜长 | 40,0 m |
速度 | 2,5 m/s |
运量 | 1120 p/h |
Doppelmayr/Garaventa began supporting the Provincial Vocational College in Hallein (Salzburg) when they first offered an apprenticeship course for ropeway technicians. Test benches, hydraulic units, grips, spring boxes, tools and technical know-how from the global market leader have been an important part of the teaching materials ever since. The installation at the college gives the course a whole new quality.
The training lift – a combined lift with fixed-grip return station – is fitted with all the typical ropeway equipment. This also means that all carrier types such as chairs and cabins have been included. The lifts provide a particularly realistic simulation of ropeway operations. Specially installed Plexiglas covers and other custom assemblies provide practical examples for the students and ensure an effective and efficient learning process. Despite the fact that the lift has been installed in a machine shop, it incorporates anemometers, a Rope Position Detector and all the other safety and maintenance devices. The ropeway technicians of tomorrow are able to familiarise themselves with this equipment right from the start.